You are the HR of a well-known company. Last month, you hired Akhil to be the new manager of the sales team. His skills are very good, and he has been recommended by his previous employer.
You are doing some work in your office when Akhil stops by.
“Hello, sorry to bother you. Are you free? I need to talk to you about something which bothers me.”
[[“Sure. What is it?”|1]]
“As you know, our productivity is stagnating. We’re doing well, but I think we could do better. I am pretty convinced if the team has prayers, and ceremonies, we could increase our sales. I’d like to be able to do some prayers and sometimes ceremonies every thursday, during our sales meetings.”
[[“I can’t take a decision like that without talking to your employees. I need to talk to them first, before taking my decision.”|2]]
[[“Okay, that seems pretty interesting. I put some schedule on your agendas.”|Akhilyes]]
[[“I understand what you mean, but no, it would encroach upon your worktime.”|Akhilno]]
Akhil nods and ask:
"Okay, I understand. Are you free to see them now?”
[[“Yes, please, ask them to come so I can talk to them.”|7]]
"Thank you so much. And don't worry about my employees, they will understand. I know some of them are reluctant, but they'll get used to this."
Akhil left your office after that.
In the afternoon, some employees of him stop at your door, visibly angry.
"Chief, can we talk to you?"
[["Yes of course! What is the matter?|Alhilyesbis]]
"You know, it would be very quickly. It would boost our confidence, and our work."
You consider the idea. You know there are some employees who are not religious at all, and some others wouldn't like to do this.
However you know it would be an intersting thing to do. Your company could be an exemple of diversity and adaptability. Plus, if the productivity could be increase...
[[“I can’t take a decision like that without talking to your employees. I need to talk to them first, before taking my decision.”|2]]
[["No, I am sorry Akhil, but this is too risky. I don't want some riot in here.|Bigno]]
Akhil left your office. Five minutes later, his employees come at your door.
They seem a little bit worried and wary. You smile to them and explain the situation.
[[“Hello guys and girls. Akhil proposes to be able to pray and organize some ceremonies to boost our income and sales every thursday, before your daily meetings. I know the religion is very important to him, and it might boost his confidence in his work. What do you think about it?”|8]]
Suddenly, they look eased. They even laugh a little. Lakshmi takes the floor.
"Sorry boss, we thought you were demand us to do what Akhil says. We don't mind him being religious, but we can't accept the fact that he wants us to do the same."
She is followed by Talib.
"Yeah, the work atmosphere has began to be ill-at-ease... I'm not religious at all, and faking prayers and ceremonies is very disrespectful. Akhil is our chief, and we thought it wasn't our roles to ask him to stop. We don't want our workplace to be full of tension. It would be bad for us, for Akhil, and for the company."
"Um, I would like to add somethin..." Says Shezad. "I am agree with Akhil, and I'd like to do that. I know I am not the only one, we are a few who would like to pray."
"As you say, you are a few of us who want to do that! I don't want to be forced!" Shouted Lakshmi.
The situation begin to be very tense. You have to decide something.
[["Well... This is clear enough. I will told Akhil why you can't do that. You are a consequent number of employees, and praying and making ceremonies would be a waste of time. I'm sorry but it's a no."|No]]
[["I think it's a good idea. It takes not much time, and it means no harm. I will see with Akhil when it would be good. As I say, it would improve his confidence, your confidence. And moreover, there is not much companies who does that. It would be good for us"|Yes]]
[["Given that it is like a 50/50, I would suggest that some of you would do what Akhil proposed. The others, who don't want to do that, won't do that. I hope it's okay for you all."|Meh]]
Some of the employees roll their eyes, and some others thank you for your decision.
"That very partial from you, chief... I'm quiet disappointed, but OK, I respect that."
Before they left, you ask them to call Akhil, in order to inform him about the situation.
He comes a little bit after, and apparently, he is already informed about your decision.
"Shezad told me that you refuse to let us do it. I think it's very sad, because we are a little religious group, and really wanted to be able to do our prayers. It won't affect our work, and it would take only a few minutes!"
[["I am so sorry Akhil, but I can't reorganized all your structure just for the few of you. It would cost money, time, and effort I can't put right now. The company always works like that, and will continue to be like it."|Nobis]]
Some of the employees stare at you, visiblly chocked.
"You can't force us to do it, chief!"
"I'm not a beliver, I refuse to do it. That's hypocrite!"
Protestations become more and more violent. Some of them are really angry, and others just shrug.
"Out of question I'll stay late after work. It's really not a good idea."
"We could come to an agreement to add a schedule for the prayers. Ceremonies could be done just after work for exemple, two days a week. Even though, prayers last only ten or so minutes."
"Around ten minutes? On what? My break's time? No thank you, we already work a lot here.""
[["The time for the prayers and ceremonies will be added at the end of the day. I will see with Akhil when it would be the best for you. There is no discussion. It's a matter of work. We have to be an open-minded company. I think we will be the first company to do that."|Yesbis]]
[["Well... Maybe I can put some schedules for the employees who want to do what Akhil proposed. Those who want to pray and make ceremonies will have to stay a little bit more after work. Akhil will manage them. Those who don't want to do them, will just work normally."|Meh]]
"That's a good idea. Like that, no one is offensed..." Lakshmi said.
"Yeah, I like the thought. Can I ask Akhil to come? So you can tell him your decision?"
[["Yes, please. The others, you can go now. I will create a document for you to sign if you want to do it."|BIGMeh]]
Akhil stares at you for a moment. You can tell he is angry and disappointed. But you don't have an other choice. It is your company's work first.
"Ok, then. I'll leave you to your work. Thank you for your time."
You know you have upset Akhil and some others employees. The atmosphere is now tense, and some tension can be felt in the group. You just hope the productivity will increase, or at least, will stagnate.
Shezad adds:
"Yes, the company would be well popular. We could be an exemple for others companies, showing them how open-minded we are." The others went silent. "I'll call Akhil."
He left, with the others, not without a mean look.
When Akhil comes by, you tell him about the situation. He is very happy, and the two of you decide to reorganize the planning.
Some weeks later, three of Akhil's employees resigned. The others won't attend the prayer and ceremony schedule. The atmosphere is very tense, but those who were in favor are more and more prolific. You are waiting to see the increase of the company. Medias relay your decision, and public approved what you have done. However, you are still the only company who does that.
"You take the decision of allowing the prayers and ceremonies! But I am not a beliver, I don't want to do that!" Claimed Lakshmi.
"And I don't want to be forced."
"I can understand that including prayers and ceremonies could be good for the company, in a productivity way AND for the medias. But it's very disrespectuf for those who truly are religious, and those who simply don't care."
They seem to be very angry. Your office is filled with a tense atmosphere. You just can't put this problem away.
[["I already see with Akhil. It would be quick. There is no discussion. It's a matter of work. We have to be an open-minded company. I think we will be the first company to do that."|Yesbis]]
[["Well... The employees who want to do what Akhil proposed would participate at the prayers and ceremonies at the beginning of every meetings. The others, you would just have to wait -or work-until they have finished."|Meh]]
Akhil comes a little bit after. He seems enthusiastic about your decision.
"You are right. I think it's better this way."
Later this day, you notice that there are at least five employees of Akhil signed. A few weeks later, there are a lot more people. Productivity increases, and there is a very good harmony in the company. Medias pass the information, and now, some others companies began to do the same.
Akhil seems disappointed, and shrug.
"Okay then. I'll return to my work."
You know you have upset Akhil. The atmosphere is now tense, and some tension can be felt in the group. You just hope the productivity will increase, or at least, will stagnate.